Orkut Scrapbook refresher

This Scrapbook Auto Refresher trick refreshes your scrapbook for every few seconds 

The default timer is set as 30 seconds. 

If you want to change the default timer, follow the steps below. 

1) Copy the code below in Notepad 

2) Select 'save as'. 

3) Save it as scrapbookrefresher.html 

4) The code gets saved in ur default browser application, now view source. 

5) Observe the 6th line ( ) 

6) Change the number "30" in the above line to the number of seconds you want. 

7) Save the file by selecting File -> Save. 

8) Close the notepad. 

9) Double click (Opens in your Internet browser) on the scrapbookautorefresher.html file 

to refresh your scrapbook for every few seconds. 


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